Tuesday 19 July 2011

What I've been up to

AP and Beyond : When I returned to the big smoke I went to a local arts festival spread out over the Ally Pally/Wood Green featuring music, art and film from local residents. This was its first year and was filled with lovely enthusiastic people, hope to get involved next year.

Folds 1: The above images feature me at the very very start of uni, in a second year students installation 'Cheesey Feet' which included a pair of feet made entirely out of that horrible cheese that is separated by plastic you get in a big mac. I was incredibly happy and astonished that I'd had the balls to move to the wonderful place that is Falmouth.

Folds 2: The second image is a flyer from Dartington/Falmouth end of year arts/music/dance/performance festival. Got to drink some cornish beer and fill up on music before I left for home. Silverey Allen's songtime was a particular highlight, had an awesome Joan Armatrading sound.

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