Saturday 30 July 2011

From 3 minutes and 34 seconds...

Listening to this whilst desperately trying to find some mug to buy my shit on ebay. Not quite ready to depart with my paddington :(

Thursday 28 July 2011

Two of my close friends are soon to be off travelling for a very long time,so we decided to take a trip down memory lane by finding a couple Geo-cache's in my old area. Armed with a foam giraffe hat,a pair of binoculars and some bubbles for good measure we missioned through the undergrowth of some of North London's parks. Here is my one of my finds.

I also will be exchanging Gerald when I have time to set up my own cache as we didn't have time yesterday.Included is a handy break up line and some basic information about Gerald : Gerald enjoys dressing up in formal wear and immersing himself in tango. Please look after him if you find him.

Monday 25 July 2011

In and around Green Park


Nendo : Cabbage Chair

Charles Trevelyan : Up from Below

Carpenters Workshop Gallery.

Went to The RA summer show today (more to come) but discovered this gallery and found these pieces/designers a lot more refreshing.

Thursday 21 July 2011

Rain makes me mopey

You Are Great in Love

You are great in love.
You are bold.
My every step is timid.
I'll do nothing bad to you,
but can hardly do you any good.
It seems you are
leading me
off the beaten path through a forest.
Now we're up to our waist in wildflowers.
I don't even know
what flowers they are.
Past experience is of no help here.
I don't know
what to do or how.
You're tired.
You ask to be carried in my arms.
Already you're in my arms.
"Do you see
how blue the sky is?
Do you hear
what birds are in the forest?
Well, what are you waiting for?
Carry me then!"
And where shall I carry you?...

Yevgeny Yevtushenko

Tuesday 19 July 2011




(1)'Support' plaster coated compressed foam
(2)'Peter Falter'/'Rhythm is a Dancer' graphite on lining paper, 2 meters

Pieces selected for the end of year exhibition 'Prelude'...seems an age ago now.





Drawings based around the ideas of weight, force and movement.

Macquette Fails

Child's Play

I went to Cambridge Heath the other day and it ended up pissing it down so I put on J Dilla's Donuts and missioned towards Bethnal Green finding some dry refuge in The Museum of Childhood. I found Rebecca Fortnum's Absurd Impositions, 20 beautifully drawn portraits of children.
I also found some nice retro 80s toys, some very strange dolls ( see awful red sketch of a Dutch 'Peg Wooden' doll) and on my journey back a sodden sticker advertising Grime artist Kozzie. More about :

return to observation.

What I've been up to

AP and Beyond : When I returned to the big smoke I went to a local arts festival spread out over the Ally Pally/Wood Green featuring music, art and film from local residents. This was its first year and was filled with lovely enthusiastic people, hope to get involved next year.

Folds 1: The above images feature me at the very very start of uni, in a second year students installation 'Cheesey Feet' which included a pair of feet made entirely out of that horrible cheese that is separated by plastic you get in a big mac. I was incredibly happy and astonished that I'd had the balls to move to the wonderful place that is Falmouth.

Folds 2: The second image is a flyer from Dartington/Falmouth end of year arts/music/dance/performance festival. Got to drink some cornish beer and fill up on music before I left for home. Silverey Allen's songtime was a particular highlight, had an awesome Joan Armatrading sound.