Saturday 29 August 2009

Thursday 20 August 2009

Now I am really feelin this shit...!

Found this little beaut in one of Stalk's old
pornos.It was such a find I didn't know what to
do with it...couldn't stick down so I thought I'd share the love
on here...
note: I don't provide such services to anyone thinking about inquiring.

i am also feelin this shit...

The Wire (sheeeeeeeett)

Nirvana Unplugged(Lake of Fire)

buying 20 packs of fags

baby lotion ( what can't it do?)

egg and soldiers at 4 in the morning post naughtiness


talking endlessly about Marrakesh with you


Plum tights

things getting better

Don't really like this one....

But I said to myself I'd post everyday...oh
god its awful!

Tuesday 18 August 2009

Copy me happy

Souvenirs from the wedding and Dungeness.
P.S had to use all of my
will power
not to do


Sort of like Shaft but better.

Yesterday's Saucy Tit - Bits

Bored out of my brain at work trying to make Stalk's
birthday present.all naked. wonder what that says...

The most beautiful hidden pocket of england.

Dungeness. I left a bit of myself there so I know I'll return
to this beautiful little capsule.Can't help but think of babies,
beach combing and making all your dreams come true.


Post wedding blues

Tryin my hand a bit of mixed media.

Who says piss heads can't expel wisdom?