Monday 19 September 2011

CAS ideas

Ring and Fishtail

Silver birch imprint.
1. Equal attack
2. Feeder
2.Reef root
3. Infestation
7. Firework

Monday 5 September 2011

So, I finally got round to seeing' The Shape of Things to Come' today. Overall, I dislike going to The Saatchi gallery not necessarily for its outlandish work which is sometimes quite disappointing, I mainly hate its layout as a space and the surrounding area. The Kings road, Sloan square and its population of busy, unfriendly toffs usually results in me arrive at the Saatchi disheartened and generally pissed off. I for some reason always forget how to get there(probably because the surrounding area is that bland, touristy London filled with Pret Mange's and designer shops) , dress unusually scruffy and have to ask for directions off a sneering local. Once there I find it hard to maneuver through the galleries, sometimes missing work and resenting the many flights of stairs(plus stupidly expensive cafe and unfriendly staff). Despite the layout, the space does allow for large, impressive work especially gallery 10 which was housing Sterling Ruby's 3 pieces. It is also always a good excuse to go and look at Richard Wilson's permanent sump oil installation in the basement.

However the highlight was Berlinde de Bruyckere's horse hide sculptures which rectified any bad feelings and I left fairly satisfied by my outing.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Monday 15 August 2011

Phone Conversation

Doodling and chatting last night

Sunday 14 August 2011

Cowbells and Pretty Girls.

Saturday 30 July 2011

From 3 minutes and 34 seconds...

Listening to this whilst desperately trying to find some mug to buy my shit on ebay. Not quite ready to depart with my paddington :(

Thursday 28 July 2011

Two of my close friends are soon to be off travelling for a very long time,so we decided to take a trip down memory lane by finding a couple Geo-cache's in my old area. Armed with a foam giraffe hat,a pair of binoculars and some bubbles for good measure we missioned through the undergrowth of some of North London's parks. Here is my one of my finds.

I also will be exchanging Gerald when I have time to set up my own cache as we didn't have time yesterday.Included is a handy break up line and some basic information about Gerald : Gerald enjoys dressing up in formal wear and immersing himself in tango. Please look after him if you find him.